Saturday, June 15, 2013

Tales of the Huh What?

It's been like five months now, and I still haven't wrapped up this story? Sorry it's taken so long folks...I've spent a good long while thinking on the end of my tale, and frankly, due to recent developments and a complete breakdown of trust, I am trying to think of the best way to write about the final leg of my journey without sounding enigmatic, or like a bitter curmudgeon...

It's hard to please a thrill seeker, especially when it's time to get back into the real world for a bit and start saving up for the next big trip four or five years down the line. It's too much time for some folks, too much commitment, and like a lot of people out there, if there's an easy way to jump into another adventure, who can blame them for pouncing on the opportunity? The promise of novelty keeps things interesting and exhilarating, but once the initial excitement wears off, there's not much left except the urge to seek out the next big thing, even if it means severing the bonds you've formed along the way.

I don't know...some people just can't pull their head out of the clouds. At least birds know when to come down to rest.

There's lessons to be squeezed from all this besides "don't blindly trust pretty ladies just because they want to bike off into the sunset with you". Give me some time to work on the details and I'll come back to you folks with the last installment of my big bike trip.